Results of the Journey



Relatório de Resultados Trilhados 2023.1


An overview of the programs implemented and actions developed by Jornada Amazônia in 2023, to promote the Amazonian bioeconomy.

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In recent years, we have witnessed critical challenges regarding the preservation of the Standing Forest. The urgency to reverse this trajectory has directed our efforts towards promoting, through innovation and entrepreneurship, the strengthening of the Amazonian bioeconomy that contributes to its conservation.

Nos últimos anos, temos testemunhado desafios críticos quanto à preservação da Floresta em Pé. A urgência de reverter essa trajetória nos direcionou a concentrar esforços para promover, através da inovação e do empreendedorismo, o fortalecimento da bioeconomia da Amazônia que contribua para sua conservação.

Follow the partial outcome of this journey.

Acompanhe o resultado parcial dessa Jornada:

Turning local impact into global changes

We firmly believe that by activating the Amazonian innovation ecosystem, our local impact will transform into significant global changes. Sustainable economic development is within our reach, as long as we continue to invest in the creation, growth, and connection of businesses that value the forest and its riches.

Jornada Amazônia is an invitation to innovate in business, drawing from everything the forest has to teach us about life potential, growth, and possibilities.

A Jornada Amazônia é um convite para inovar nos negócios a partir de tudo o que a floresta tem a nos ensinar sobre potencial de vida, crescimento e possibilidades.


Explore our full report to track our progress in 2023, alongside the achievements and challenges that lie ahead.

Explore o nosso relatório completo para acompanhar nosso progresso nesse primeiro semestre de 2023, além das conquistas e desafios que estão por vir.

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